HS Code pour acide caprylique ou acide octanoïque

Produit :
acide caprylique ou acide octanoïque

Exemples de produits pour "acide caprylique ou acide octanoïque"

HTS Code :
CAS Number : 124-07-2
The imported product is called Caprylic acid. It has a CAS # of 124-07-2. You indicate that it is a medium-chain fatty acid with potent antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties. You state that: “These properties make caprylic acid a helpful treatment for many conditions. It's used to treat yeast infections, skin conditions, digestive disorders, and high cholesterol. It is a raw material that will be used by your customers in their product formulations as an antimicrobial processing aid.” It is also known under the systematic name Octanoic acid. It is a carboxylic acid with the structural formula CH3(CH2)6CO2H. Octanoic acid is a saturated medium-chain fatty acid with an 8-carbon backbone. Octanoic acid is found naturally in the milk of various mammals and is a minor component of coconut oil and palm kernel oil.[1]

[1]. https://rulings.cbp.gov/ruling/N309636

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