Tariff Classification and HS Code Determination Service

Tariff Classification and HS Code Determination Service is a paid service. There are two options:

  1. Tariff Classification Summary Report (or so-called Guidance Service)
    • 6 digits universal HS Code
    • Brief explanation/visuals of sample products o Brief explanation/visuals of sample products
    • You may see a sample summary report here
  2. Tariff Classification Detailed Report
    • detailed HS Code for the selected country (1)
    • rationale (i.e. why selected code is chosen)
    • HS Code Structure of the selected country for the chosen 6 digits HS Code
    • sample products (i.e. these are Binding Tariff Information known as BTI issued by EU Countries for similar products, and US Rulings issued by the US Customs for similar products. They can be very useful for further reference)
    • You may see a sample detailed report here
The price is
  1. Tariff Classification Summary Report/Guidance Service
    • Free-of-charge for FindHS.Codes yearly subscribers
    • $30 for other
  2. Tariff Classification Detailed Report
    • $100 for non-subscribers
    • $75 for FindHS.Codes monthly subscribers
    • $50 for FindHS.Codes yearly subscribers

(1) If the related country is one of those listed below, detailed HS Code (like HTS code for US or CN or TARIC Code for EU countries) will be provided in the report.For other countries 6 digits universal HS Code will be provided.

European Union countries
United States of America
United Kingdom

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