HS Code pour appareil d'imagerie thermique

Produit :
appareil d'imagerie thermique

Exemples de produits pour "appareil d'imagerie thermique"

HTS Code :
The merchandise under consideration is identified as the Zeiss Digital Thermal Clip-on Scope (DTC), which is marketed under model numbers 3/25 and 3/38. You state that these items are virtually identical with the only difference being the objective and focal lengths. The subject device is cylindrical in design with a lens on each end, an internal OLED display and thermal image sensor. The housing is equipped with multiple buttons and dials that allow the user to power on the device, change modes, zoom, and cycle through the internal menu. The DTC is equipped with Bluetooth connectivity and is powered by a rechargeable battery.

The subject device is designed to be used as an attachment to a riflescope by hunters to observe animals in the dark and low-light situations. Infrared radiation is imaged by the lens and passed through the sensor, which converts the radiation into an electrical signal that is viewed through the ocular eyepiece on the internal OLED display. You state that it allows the user to switch between normal and thermal optics. We note that the subject DTC does not work in visible light.[1]

[1]. https://rulings.cbp.gov/ruling/N320490

HTS Code :
the AGM Taipan thermal imaging monocular for use by law enforcement, first responders, hunters, and other outdoor enthusiasts to spot and view persons, animals and other items in low-light to complete darkness. The subject item is cylindrical in design with a lens on each end, various buttons on the top, an infrared detector, and liquid crystal on silicon (LCOS) internal display. The unit is equipped with a rechargeable battery, internal storage, and a wi-fi hotspot. The subject monocular is manufactured with a magnification of 1.5x to 2.5x and has digital zoom of up to 8x. The unit can be used to capture both still images and video either through the internal storage or the wi-fi hotspot function.[1]

[1]. https://rulings.cbp.gov/ruling/N321558

HTS Code :
AGM Fuzion thermal and optical bi-spectrum monocular for use by law enforcement, first responders, hunters, and other outdoor enthusiasts to detect and view objects in darkness or extreme environments including smoke, fog, and rain. The subject device consists of a hand-held plastic housing with a lens on each end and multiple buttons on the top that allow the user to power on the device, cycle through menus, and alter zoom. The device further incorporates an OLED display, thermal detector, optical detector, laser range finder, wi-fi hotspot and a rechargeable battery. The monocular has built in memory that allows the user to record video or take digital snapshots of the viewing area. You state that the user can choose between viewing in visible light, thermal, or a combination of the two referred to as fusion.[1]

[1]. https://rulings.cbp.gov/ruling/N321558

HTS Code :
AGM Explorator thermal imaging bi-ocular for use by law enforcement, first responders, hunters, and other outdoor enthusiasts to spot and and view persons, animals and other items in low-light to complete darkness. The unit consists of a metal housing with two eyepieces at one end and a lens at the other. Within the device is an HD display module, thermal image sensor, stadiametric range finder, and rechargeable battery. The unit can magnify an image to 3.75x and has a digital zoom capability of up to 4x. You state that with the addition of an external wi-fi module, the subject device can stream or record live video to an external source.[1]

[1]. https://rulings.cbp.gov/ruling/N321558

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