Endorse WP (Wettable Powder) and Endorse WDG (dry flowable) in bulk form. The first product, Endorse WP in wettable powder form is a prepared fungicide, containing (by weight) 2.5% polyoxin D zinc salt (CAS-146659-78-1) as the active ingredient. It is indicated for use on turf, ornamentals and non-food ginseng. The second product, Endorse WDG in water dispersible granules is a prepared fungicide, containing (by weight) 11.3% polyoxin D Zinc salt (CAS-146659-78-1) as the active ingredient. It is indicated for use on turf and ornamentals.
[1] Please importantly note that only the relevant portion of the related is displayed above. You may refer to the said customs ruling for the entire ruling explanation.
[1]. https://rulings.cbp.gov/ruling/N046955