HS Code pour collations aux fruits secs

Produit :
collations aux fruits secs

Exemples de produits pour "collations aux fruits secs"

CN Code :
Dried fruit mixture of apricots and raspberries Request Information: fruit snack from carefully dried FrüchtenEin samples and the design of the packaging has been submitted. The orange-red and beige packaging (box 8 sec.) And information is the description of goods, inter alia, to the ingredients (apricots, raspberries) and nutrition to entnehmen.Beschaffenheit of goods model submitted: Mix of dried apricots (about 18 g) and dried raspberries (about 12 g) .Aprikosen: dried apricots, mainly in halves, partly in pieces, pitted; Taste sour, fruity, naturally sweet, dried apricots according raspberries: prevailing whole dried raspberries; Taste sour, fruity, naturally sweet, dried raspberries entsprechend.Mischung of dried fruits (apricots and raspberries), other than those of headings 0801 to 0806 KN without plums
auto translated : The text above has been translated automatically.

[1]. DE10088/14-1#394534

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