HTS Code for aloe vera used primarily in perfumery pharmacy or for insecticidal fungicidal or similar purposes

Product :
aloe vera used primarily in perfumery pharmacy or for insecticidal fungicidal or similar purposes

Sample products for "aloe vera used primarily in perfumery pharmacy or for insecticidal fungicidal or similar purposes"

EU Binding Tariff Information

Dünya Gümrük ÖrgütüHS Code :
CN Code :

BTI Reference :

Issuing Country : CZECH REPUBLIC

Date Of Issue : 12.Jul.2019 - 11.Jul.2022

it is the dried inner part of the leaf (pulp) of the aloe vera plant

Description auto translated : According to the declared data, it is the dried inner part of the leaf (pulp) of the Aloe vera plant. It is used as a raw material for the production of food supplements. Method of production: the inner part of the leaves is dehydrated and then dried. Appearance: fine yellow crystals with a glassy effect.

Original Description: Dle deklarovaných údajů se jedná o sušenou vnitřní část listu (dužinu) rostliny Aloe vera.Používá se jako surovina pro výrobu doplňků stravy. Způsob výroby: vnitřní část listů se zbaví vody a následně vysuší.Vzhled: jemné krystalky žluté barvy se sklovitým efektem.

Source : EU Binding Tariff Information
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