EU Binding Tariff Information
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BTI Reference :
Issuing Country : SPAIN
Date Of Issue : 21.Oct.2019 - 20.Oct.2022
aloe vera juice (aloe barbadensis)
Description auto translated : Aloe vera juice (Aloe barbadensis). According to the applicant's instructions, the product is intended for the food and dietary industry. Aloe vera juice to which lemon juice and garrofin are added. According to the applicant's instructions, the product is obtained by crushing the parenchyma of the leaves after performing several processes (washing, peeling, sterilized and stabilized) and to which lemon and garrofin are added. It is packaged in 500 ml bottles.
Original Description: Jugo de Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis).Según indicaciones del solicitante el producto se destina a la industria alimentaria y dietética.Jugo de Aloe vera al que se añade zumo de limón y garrofín.Según indicaciones del solicitante el producto se obtiene por triturado del parénquima de las hojas tras realizar varios procesos (lavado, pelado, esterilizado y estabilizado) y al que se le añade limón y garrofín.Se envasa en botellas de 500 ml.
Source : EU Binding Tariff Information
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